Housing Support

Our housing support models take two forms. As a small, all-volunteer organization, we are often limited to the number of clients we support. Sometimes, through partnerships, we gain additional funding that allows us to take on a family.

Group of hands together
Partnership with Financial Support

Partnership with a resettlement agency that also provides financial support, typically to cover rent for up to one year. 

This model allows the ISA to support a family unit in an apartment that would otherwise be beyond our financial capacity to underwrite.

The Host Home Model

Typically used with individual asylum seekers or immigrants entitled to limited benefits and delayed work authorization. 

Hosts are asked for a 3-month time commitment (sometimes extended at the host’s request) and are given a small amount of compensation to offset additional utility and other costs related to hosting. Hosts are expected to provide housing only. Other members of ISA provide the additional support services that the client needs.